When we started our journey into kunekunes we had no clue that we would fall in love with the breed. Not only are they incredibly smart, but also very affectionate and social. Most adults range in size from 150-250lbs + and are smaller in stature compared to most traditional pig breeds. They also are slower growing with a substantial growth spurt happening between one and two years old.
We are an AKKPS registered kunekune breeder and member. All of our adults are AKKPS registered or dual registered and from high quality genetic lines.
One of our boars, Howie, is a high white with tapeka trait. This means that he produces amazing coloured piglets ranging from high white, tri-colour and banded.
We also have genetic lines for all black piglets and agouti stripe piglets.
You can contact us with the phone number listed in the header. Or by posting on our Kunekune or by using the contact form.