About Us

hagon farms

Welcome to Hagon Farms. We are a small family owned and operated farm in beautiful Alberta, Canada. We have absolutely fallen love with our property in rural Barrhead County and the amazing wildlife that call our 100 acres and the surrounding area home. Our farm currently consists of an assortment of chickens including pure bred buff orpingtons, black orpingtons, and wyandottes. This year we added pure bred chocolate marans, black copper marans and ameraucaunas. We also have four adorably small jungle fowl that have stolen our hearts. Our family also consists of our three small dogs, Piper, Ginger and Nevada who fill our days with may laughs and lots of attitude. 

We originally started Hagon Farms to provide our own family with fresh farm food grown and fed directly by us on our acreage creating a sustainable source of food. We are excited to share our dreams with our customers to ensure each and every one of you gets to enjoy fresh eggs laid daily by our ladies.